Inspire (Challenge the Challenges)

Inspire (Challenge the Challenges)

  • Admin
  • February 21, 2022
  • 0

It is High time for leaders to Inspire others too by their Inspirational Journey.

Bizwiz Learning invites applications for the participation in an Event “Inspire (Challenge the Challenges) where you can showcase your inspirational journey with others and Inspire them how one can lead ahead in difficult time.

You can apply for this event if you have anything worth Inspiring others. You can share it in Text or Audio or Video format as per below requirements by 31st March, 2022.

  1. Language: English and Hindi
  2. Text:  up to 250 words
  3. Audio: 10 to 12 lines
  4. Video: 2 to 2.5 minutes


Please submit the application by visiting the given link


Benefits of Participation

  1. All stories will be featured on Bizwiz platform
  2. The best story will get success card worth Rs 36000/ from Bizwiz learning.
  3. Selected participants will get an opportunity to interact with our chief mentors to
  4. Achieve exponential Growth 
  5. Digital certificates will be provided to select stories.
  6. Recognition in different categories through Awards & Appreciation.

To Know more in detail, you can connect with us on 8800233458, 9953923981