Featuring in Woman's Era

Featuring in Woman's Era

  • Admin
  • May 04, 2024
  • 0

Guftagu is not only talking about women empowerment but also taking action to make a positive difference.



Here's a *fantastic news* ! Being featured in a well-known magazine like *Woman's Era* is a significant *accomplishment* and a great *recognition* of our efforts in promoting women empowerment through our business networking platform, *Guftagu* ,A circle of trust.. Providing complementary invites to women entrepreneurs during Women's Day month demonstrates our commitment to supporting and uplifting women in tangible ways.

 It's commendable that Guftagu is not only talking about women empowerment but also taking action to make a positive difference. 

Guftagu is *committed* to continue finding innovative ways to empower women in the entrepreneurial sphere!